finally decided to delete the old personal blogger... and set up another new personal blog at wordpress... hehe...
but this blog will still be going on because i will update most of the current life here... the wordpress i will be using as writing out my feeling and thinking because it has more privacy for me because i can choose to either publish it or password protected it... hehe...
link to my new personal blog...
p.s. sometime i found that wordpress is slower than blogger... blogger has faster respond but wordpress has much more things to modify...
Welcome to Vincentheology.. a place full of my crap theories and stories.. Feel free to comment and give suggestion! but please don't comment on my poor English or Chinese.. i do not have any intention to become a writer though! =P Hope you enjoy reading my craps!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
注: 男生有时候有些话很难当面讲... 所以在这里写给你... 看不看到就看你自己了... 哈哈...
真的很不明白你的咯... 为什么你以前可以那么的潇洒... 说酱就是酱... 一点都不会拖泥带水的... 可是为什么现在的你却是好像另外一个人了的... 只是一个女生而已就可以把你搞成酱... 真的是很不明白你为什么才那么几年而已你却变了酱多哦?
失恋以前对你来讲最多不是伤心一个星期而已... 更何况现在你们连开始都还没开始... 只是酱却把你搞成这样... 虽然你说你之前就可以feel到了... 但从她口中说出对你而言真的是很大的打击... 我明白... 但这不像你一路来的风格咯...
对她而言你其实和路人甲乙丙丁没什么分别吧... 她已暗示的很明白了... 你从来就没有在她心里... 有时候是你自己给了太多的错觉给自己... 才会令到你想太多了... 其实你应该从一开始就明白这个道理了的吧... 还要一头撞下去... 不是我要酸你... 不过真的是你自己拿来的咯... 而你酱的死缠烂打反而会让她觉得你很没用, 很窝囊咯... 说不定还会怕了你或讨厌你...
你问我是不是你做的不够好, 不够多... 老实说就连我也不知道你还有什么可以做的了... 说的难听一点... 或许你根本就不是她心中的那个... 所以不论你多么地努力... 都是没用的... 要明白... 一厢情愿的付出是没用的... 人家还是只会把你当成... 好听一点就叫朋友... 讲明了其实只是路人甲... 所以嘞... 放手对你来讲或许是最好的...
好心你啦... 现在已经21世纪了咯... 你就别酱傻了咯... 还要等噢? 你不是常讲等待是男生做最傻的事情的么? 为什么现在你反而要当那个傻子... 值得吗? 或许你自私一点对你来说会比较好... 有时候真的需要无情一些的咯... 就像以前的你一样... 不会为了一个女生而搞到自己酱... 有时无情真的是胜过专情咯... 而且你这个很像叫痴... =.= 毕竟现在已是21世纪了... 感情, 承诺这些东西往往都是经不起考验的... (更何况你们都没开始过... =.=")
好啦... 要说的我都说了... 接下来要酱做就看你自己了... 我只能够给advice... 剩下的就要看你自己的造化了... 相信该怎么做你自己最清楚... 真的希望你可以像以前那样的潇洒咯... 不要在酱傻了... 看到你酱真的... 哎... 没眼看... 希望你会真的看得开咯...
p.s. 惨了现在是凌晨5:27了, 我早上11点还有课嘞 >.<
真的很不明白你的咯... 为什么你以前可以那么的潇洒... 说酱就是酱... 一点都不会拖泥带水的... 可是为什么现在的你却是好像另外一个人了的... 只是一个女生而已就可以把你搞成酱... 真的是很不明白你为什么才那么几年而已你却变了酱多哦?
失恋以前对你来讲最多不是伤心一个星期而已... 更何况现在你们连开始都还没开始... 只是酱却把你搞成这样... 虽然你说你之前就可以feel到了... 但从她口中说出对你而言真的是很大的打击... 我明白... 但这不像你一路来的风格咯...
对她而言你其实和路人甲乙丙丁没什么分别吧... 她已暗示的很明白了... 你从来就没有在她心里... 有时候是你自己给了太多的错觉给自己... 才会令到你想太多了... 其实你应该从一开始就明白这个道理了的吧... 还要一头撞下去... 不是我要酸你... 不过真的是你自己拿来的咯... 而你酱的死缠烂打反而会让她觉得你很没用, 很窝囊咯... 说不定还会怕了你或讨厌你...
你问我是不是你做的不够好, 不够多... 老实说就连我也不知道你还有什么可以做的了... 说的难听一点... 或许你根本就不是她心中的那个... 所以不论你多么地努力... 都是没用的... 要明白... 一厢情愿的付出是没用的... 人家还是只会把你当成... 好听一点就叫朋友... 讲明了其实只是路人甲... 所以嘞... 放手对你来讲或许是最好的...
好心你啦... 现在已经21世纪了咯... 你就别酱傻了咯... 还要等噢? 你不是常讲等待是男生做最傻的事情的么? 为什么现在你反而要当那个傻子... 值得吗? 或许你自私一点对你来说会比较好... 有时候真的需要无情一些的咯... 就像以前的你一样... 不会为了一个女生而搞到自己酱... 有时无情真的是胜过专情咯... 而且你这个很像叫痴... =.= 毕竟现在已是21世纪了... 感情, 承诺这些东西往往都是经不起考验的... (更何况你们都没开始过... =.=")
好啦... 要说的我都说了... 接下来要酱做就看你自己了... 我只能够给advice... 剩下的就要看你自己的造化了... 相信该怎么做你自己最清楚... 真的希望你可以像以前那样的潇洒咯... 不要在酱傻了... 看到你酱真的... 哎... 没眼看... 希望你会真的看得开咯...
p.s. 惨了现在是凌晨5:27了, 我早上11点还有课嘞 >.<
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
挂念的心, 累了
update update again...
well... recently my blog seems to be dumped for quite a long time already as i really lazy wanna update... lolx... and somemore not really got things to blog out... so i guess this should be a quite long post?? lolx...
well... as usual... new trimester started for a week already... everything seems to be back to normal... going campus... attending classes and so on... except for timetable thing... i have been to FGO (Faculty General Office) for 3 times in a day because my class timetable clashed with the core subject as we have elective subject for this trimester... oh my godness... i was rushing here and there just to get the thing correct... how brilliant the management is huh??
well... except for that life is quite normal... haha... went to Rum Jungle last Saturday for Kenneth Mow's earlier birthday celebration... hmm... but i think we was more on playing as we didn't really celebrate for him... haha... the reason is just an excuse for us to go for clubbing... lolx...
we expect there will be lots of people as it was Saturday night... but surprisingly we are the only fews were there that night... may be most of the people went for MOS KL as Akon is in MOS that day... lolx... so Ipoh club was so quite...
we having fun there although very less people... hehe... and kenneth mow was totally... erm... crazy... haha... so... time for photos???

well... as usual... new trimester started for a week already... everything seems to be back to normal... going campus... attending classes and so on... except for timetable thing... i have been to FGO (Faculty General Office) for 3 times in a day because my class timetable clashed with the core subject as we have elective subject for this trimester... oh my godness... i was rushing here and there just to get the thing correct... how brilliant the management is huh??
well... except for that life is quite normal... haha... went to Rum Jungle last Saturday for Kenneth Mow's earlier birthday celebration... hmm... but i think we was more on playing as we didn't really celebrate for him... haha... the reason is just an excuse for us to go for clubbing... lolx...
we expect there will be lots of people as it was Saturday night... but surprisingly we are the only fews were there that night... may be most of the people went for MOS KL as Akon is in MOS that day... lolx... so Ipoh club was so quite...
we having fun there although very less people... hehe... and kenneth mow was totally... erm... crazy... haha... so... time for photos???

view inside...

yeah yeah.... Chivas ^^
Kenneth Mow is so high... dance on the stage somemore...
this proved what i said just now... lolx...
me and ken... hehe...
the football field cake as he requested... surprised him when he saw the cake... what a football freak... =D
and looks at the doll... it was van Nistelrooy and Kaka... Ruud was in Man Utd jersey... but he transfered to Real Madrid a few years ago... so can imagine how long is the doll already... =X
birthday boy making wish(es)... look at his hand!! he is like praying to the cake more than making wish... lolx...
ini macam baru betul ma... haha
was having fun over there... but this few days spending too much already... sobx... must tighten my belt already... =X

Reached Kampar at around 3am something that day... then yum cha at Ghany until 4am something... so geng right... but eventually i slept at 9 am that day... haha... this is even more geng right?? luckily Sunday was off... phiew...
okay... so was having birthday celebration dinner for Kenneth Mow yesterday night... and this is the offically one... lolx... The Rum Jungle one for me is much more on playing... haha... so we having dinner at the newly opened Steamboat buffet... named Mango a.k.a Wong Kok if not mistaken... food there quite much of choices... just the shop very small... =(
ok... so let photos rule again... haha...
okay... so was having birthday celebration dinner for Kenneth Mow yesterday night... and this is the offically one... lolx... The Rum Jungle one for me is much more on playing... haha... so we having dinner at the newly opened Steamboat buffet... named Mango a.k.a Wong Kok if not mistaken... food there quite much of choices... just the shop very small... =(
ok... so let photos rule again... haha...

and looks at the doll... it was van Nistelrooy and Kaka... Ruud was in Man Utd jersey... but he transfered to Real Madrid a few years ago... so can imagine how long is the doll already... =X

was having fun over there... but this few days spending too much already... sobx... must tighten my belt already... =X
Saturday, October 10, 2009
update update...
arh... was having a bored bored holidays... hmm... really nothing to do in this bored bored holiday... was doing nothing these few days... almost everyday repeating the same thing... watching tv... online... play games and called it a day... lolx...
went to malacca on Wednesday... suppose to be a shopping trip for me but unfortubately not really get things i want... sad... and oh ya... i went to the cinema too... stood at the counter... looking at the now showing board... and i found out... i have watch almost every movies that are showing now... except for the korean tsunami, malay and hindu movie... so at last... didn't watch any movie... haiz...
but... this is what i waiting for... 2012!!! for me it is a must watch movie!!! haha... it is about the armageddon or what we usually called the end of the world...
went to malacca on Wednesday... suppose to be a shopping trip for me but unfortubately not really get things i want... sad... and oh ya... i went to the cinema too... stood at the counter... looking at the now showing board... and i found out... i have watch almost every movies that are showing now... except for the korean tsunami, malay and hindu movie... so at last... didn't watch any movie... haiz...
but... this is what i waiting for... 2012!!! for me it is a must watch movie!!! haha... it is about the armageddon or what we usually called the end of the world...
12 November 2009... i am waiting for you!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
recent thought...
the first trimester of year 2 was finally over... and it is time to enjoy the short 3 weeks holidays... hehe... time travel really fast without waiting people who was left behind... everything seems like happened only yesterday and i am still didn't awake about that... sigh...
whatever le... now the final eam was finished and i am back to my little hometown again... so i guess will try to update what i have left out for the past few days... hehe...
went to BarRoom with Kennthe Mow, Nic, Lum they all on Sunday Night after our dinner... haha... wasn't really plan for it as we just simply suggest only... but this time we finally put words into action... haha...
at first we planned to go Drum Jungle, but we heard that it is closed on that night... so went to another place lor... we went in to Houz first... but not really fun there and the enviroment wasn't so shock also... so we went to BarRoom as it is just near there only...
the enviroment there was still ok... but just it is damn small... really like a "room" only... haha... songs there... erm... ok ok only lor... ok la... let photo talks the remaining la... haha...

went to McD near Jusco there after barroom for erm... supper?? May be should be breakfast as we reached there at 2am den stay until 5am something... hehe... since we not really have fun at Barroom... so we will just rock mcd ler.. haha... people keep on looking at us when we took those photos... so embarrassing... hehe...
whatever le... now the final eam was finished and i am back to my little hometown again... so i guess will try to update what i have left out for the past few days... hehe...
went to BarRoom with Kennthe Mow, Nic, Lum they all on Sunday Night after our dinner... haha... wasn't really plan for it as we just simply suggest only... but this time we finally put words into action... haha...
at first we planned to go Drum Jungle, but we heard that it is closed on that night... so went to another place lor... we went in to Houz first... but not really fun there and the enviroment wasn't so shock also... so we went to BarRoom as it is just near there only...
the enviroment there was still ok... but just it is damn small... really like a "room" only... haha... songs there... erm... ok ok only lor... ok la... let photo talks the remaining la... haha...

went to McD near Jusco there after barroom for erm... supper?? May be should be breakfast as we reached there at 2am den stay until 5am something... hehe... since we not really have fun at Barroom... so we will just rock mcd ler.. haha... people keep on looking at us when we took those photos... so embarrassing... hehe...
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