Sunday, April 13, 2014

Beautiful Kota Kinabalu - Day 1

这次我决定把我沙巴亚庇之旅分成四个部分来写.. 分别是第一天.. 第二天.. 第三天.. 和后记.. 嘻嘻.. 话不多说.. 就开始讲述我这第一天的旅途..

For this special trip to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.. i decided to divide them into four parts of my post.. which are day 1, day 2, day 3 and postscript.. hehe.. so shall we start with day 1 story?

这是我有生以来第一次独自去旅行.. 相信很多人都觉得一切一切都要准备充足.. 策划.. 但我发现这些有些都是多余的.. 因为我连住宿都没安排.. 哈哈.. 很多事都是去到了才决定的.. 相信除了飞机票提早三个星期买以外和上网看看一些资料外.. 其他的都是随性的..

this is my very first solo trip in my life.. so i guess a lot of you might think that we have to be well prepare with everything, with a proper schedule and plan.. but for me.. all these are just unnecessary.. because i don't even have proper booking on accommodation and plan.. all these are being decided promptly or on the spot.. except for flight ticket which I have bought 3 weeks earlier.. all others are just being decided promptly..

So.. 也因为没有一个完整的plan.. 第一天的我差点觉得自己去不成了.. 哈哈.. 十一点的飞机.. 十点半boarding.. 所以一大清早6点就起床了.. 但是却又赖床.. 赖赖一下张开眼看已经是6点半了!! 原本想7点到达 lrt station.. 7点半到达KL Sentral.. 以便搭能搭之前买飞机票时一起买的skybus.. 由于skybus的网站说国内航班最迟要在Boarding time的三小时前搭skybus.. 所以我最迟8点必须搭到达KL Sentral搭skybus去LCCT.. 但现在被我这样赖床一搞.. 我大概7点多才下到去.. 最惨的是还要等大概20分钟才搭到巴士去lrt station.. 到lrt 已经7点半了.. 等lrt和到达KL Sentral又花费了大概半小时多.. 到达KL Sentral时已经是8点了.. 到达后要上skybus时那里的负责人向我要itinerary pass.. 以证明我有买巴士票.. 我的天啊.. 我只带boarding pass罢了.. 那想到需要itinerary pass呢? 过后那人便叫我去Air Asia的counter拿stamp证明我有买.. 我去了.. 问了柜台.. 才知道Air Asia的counter 9点才开.. 想当场买一张新的票.. 但那人却说不行.. 一定要在counter买.. 我当时心想惨了.. 这回可能miss flight了.. 或许不该去了吧.. 哈哈.. 突然有点临阵退缩的感觉.. 但.. 我不可以让自己退缩.. 看了看后.. 决定博一搏.. 买了KLIA Transit的票.. 希望.. 还赶的上飞机..

So.. because of lack of a proper plan.. i almost missed my flight.. haha.. the flight is scheduled at 11:00 am with boarding time on 10:30am.. so waking up in 6:00am should be fine for me.. but because of overslept.. i only managed to wake up in 6:30am! after quick preparation i only managed to left my house and heading to the lrt station at 7 something.. waiting for the bus for 20 minutes.. and finally i reached KL Sentral at around 8:00am.. it is kind of late as i have bought skybus ticket along with my flight ticket and referring to skybus's website, we should board the bus at KL Sentral 3 hours before the flight.. so i was kind of late for that.. while panicking.. finally i found the bus is yet to depart.. while boarding.. the staff in charged ask for the ticket or itinerary.. but.. i only printed out my boarding pass and did not print the stupid itinerary.. so.. he advised me to refer to Air Asia counter to get the itinerary printed as prove of purchase.. when i was there in Air Asia counter.. i found out that they only open at 9:00am!! so how the heck am i gonna print out my itinerary? and we can't re-purchase the ticket for skybus there.. after all these i have an urge that may be all these meant i shouldn't have take this flight.. but i told myself i have to try no matter what.. as so.. i went to the KLIA transit counter and bought myself a KLIA transit to LCCT with hope..

8点半.. KLIA Transit的火车才到.. 由于之后还要从Salak Tinggi转bus才能去到LCCT.. 所以一直担心不懂几点才能到LCCT.. 若真的因为睡迟了而赶不上飞机.. 说出来很丢脸吧.. 呵呵.. 但也因为马航的事让我觉得或许赶不上也是一件好事.. 或许就是暗示说我不该搭那班班机.. 赶不上就回家继续睡觉.. 哈哈.. 当时的心情.. 还真的是五味陈杂呀.. 但无论如何.. 我在大概9:30时到达了LCCT.. 看来KLIA Transit也还蛮快的吗.. 火车加巴士的路途大概只用了一个小时.. 赶紧过了security check.. 我终于在9点40分到达了候机室.. 还来的及上飞机.. 看来.. 若不是繁忙时段.. 根本就不需要3个小时前准备.. 哈哈.. 有了这次经验.. 相信下回不会再那么杞人忧天了..

Finally.. the KLIA Transit reached at around 8:30am.. the train will stopped at Salak Tinggi Station and we have to take bus from Salak Tinggi to LCCT.. luckily.. i still managed to reach LCCT at 9:30am.. it seems like KLIA transit only took around one hour to reach LCCT from KL sentral.. after the security check.. i finally reached at departure hall at 9:40am.. and it was like finally! haha.. now i knew it doesn't necessary to depart from home so early.. as i do still have plenty of time to wait at the departure hall.. hmm.. i believe with this experience.. it would help a lot! as previously i used to take cab to airport on working purpose..

上了飞机.. 2个半小时的旅途里我大概有4分之3的时间在睡觉吧.. 认识我的人都知道我旅行无论是坐车或飞机.. 我都是不会睡的.. 而这次竟然睡了.. 看来.. 我真的很累了.. 嘻嘻.. 大概在下午1点40分就到达了亚庇机场.. 买了张去城市的巴士票.. 终于真正开始了我的亚庇之旅.. 去亚庇城市的巴士一个小时有一趟.. RM5罢了.. 很便宜.. 若要搭德士去最少都要RM30.. 而且巴士是在Terminal 2直接载送.. 而不是像之前听的要走一段路才有巴士.. 在柜台处拿了一张亚庇市区的地图后边踏上了巴士..

The flight took 2 and half hour to reach at Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) and i think i was sleeping for 3/4 of the journey.. this is rare because i don't usually sleep during travelling.. i guess i am really tired at this time.. hehe.. so i reached KKIA at aroung 1:40pm.. bought myself a bus ticket to KK Town.. it cost me only RM5.. boarding just in front of the entrance of KKIA Terminal 2.. felt grateful as previously I heard there is no bus heading to KK town and we need to take a cab which cost me at least RM30..

从巴士上拍摄的亚庇机场入口.. KKIA Terminal 2 entrance taken from bus..

到了市区后第一件事肯定就是找今晚的住宿先咯.. 由于之前已经有survey了几间不错的酒店.. 加上现在有地图在手.. 问了住宿费用.. ok后便check in了.. 一切都很顺利.. check in后休息了一下.. 已经是三点多了.. 便开始了我的第一站.. 解决午餐.. =.= 是的.. 由于忙忙碌碌.. 我连早午餐都还没吃呢.. 所以就去到了Gaya Street.. 点了一碗生肉面.. 由于太饿了.. 我没拍到照片.. 呵呵.. 但老实说在亚庇吃并不便宜哦.. 一碗生肉面叫价RM6.. 和KL的价钱差不多.. 生肉面呢.. 吃起来有点像在KL的猪肉粉.. 就是猪肉.. 肠.. 肉丸等等的.. 呵呵.. 但还是蛮好吃的..

so.. the first thing i did in KK Town is find my accommodation for the night! i have survey and shortlisted a few hotel before i came.. so with the help of a town map obtained in the KKIA Airport.. i managed to locate one of them easily.. asked about the room rate.. within my budget and check in! it was like finally for me.. haha.. took a short break and it was already 3 something in the afternoon.. so i started with my first stop.. which is settle my lunch! due to rushing.. i have yet to have my breakfast and lunch even though it is 3pm now.. so heading to Gaya Street.. find a place which serve "Sang Yok Mee".. a local noodles with variety parts of pork including minced pork.. pork intestine.. meatball.. and etc.. the price is RM6.00 which for me is consider comparable to price in KL even though this is just a small town.. overall.. the noodle was good.. or may be it is just im too hungry? haha.. no photo as im really hungry at that time.. hehe..

填饱肚子后就真正开始了我的第一站观光之旅.. 第一站就去了离Gaya Street不远的Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen走.. 这里的特色就是海边了! 话不多说.. 让照片说话吧..

After my lunch i started my loitering tour in Kota Kinabalu town.. so i guess i will just let photo to describe places i went.. haha..

在Jalan Tun Fuad Stephan的海边..  Seaside at Jalan Tun Fuad Stephan

港口的view.. view of the port..

从海边看亚庇城市.. KK town view from the seaside..

海豚! Dolphin!

Suria Sabah..

从亚庇出海的港口.. Jesselton Point.. 

停泊在港口的船.. boats moored at the port..

前往Labuan的船.. 很霸气的名字: 海王号.. Boat to Labuan..

入口处.. entrance..

英国风的电话亭.. English style's public phone

售卖各式各样小食与饮料的店面.. shops that sell assorted snacks and drinks..

5:30pm.. 天色开始暗了.. the sky getting darker.. even it is just 5:30pm..

另一个景色.. another view..

港口边售卖着各式各样的海产和小吃.. Varieties of seafood and snacks sold beside the port..

我发现这里大多数熟食都是烧烤的.. i noticed that majority of the cooked foods here are barbecued!

海葡萄!! 生吃!! Seaweed!! which you can eat directly!!

夕阳无限好.. 只是近黄昏.. beautiful sunset view!!

过后看见三个中国游客和当地售卖海产的档主用着彼此都听不懂的语言询问价钱时.. 八卦的我就临时当起了翻译员来.. 就这样认识了她们.. 过后便聊聊大家在亚庇的经历.. 原来她们也是背包旅行来这里.. 而且还是第一次出国旅行.. 哇.. 我还蛮佩服的.. 因为三个女生第一次出国就到语言不通的国家来.. 还是背包旅行.. 蛮厉害的嘛.. 一起吃了一餐晚餐后便分道扬镳了.. 明天她们将前往美人鱼岛.. 而我将会到Kundasang去.. 所以彼此祝福大家旅途愉快后边分离了.. 过后我才想起我们没有交换联络.. 或许这就是独自旅行的其中一个乐趣.. 就是接受人来人往.. 在旅途短暂的认识..

Met three China's tourist here bargaining with the Filipino stall owner using the language which i believe both of them also don't understand.. so due to my "kindness".. i decided to become their translator and help them solve the problem.. and knew them because of that! haha.. after a short chat with them.. i was quite impressed that they were also backpacking here as this is the first time they having their oversea travelling.. it was really something as three of them are ladies and travelling to an oversea place which differential in language might become one of their travelling barrier.. we have a simple dinner together and farewell after the dinner.. after that only i remembered we did not exchange contact.. but i guess that it is the nature of backpacking.. people came and people go in the journey.. learned and adept this situation as i am sure this will definitely happen again in my journey.. so good luck to you all! and hope you all enjoy this trip in Malaysia!

在这里享受杯咖啡.. 暂时过着慢活的日子.. 嗯.. 是不错的.. 哈哈.. enjoying a cup of coffee here without need to worry about anything else.. that's what we called life!

就这样.. 我在亚庇的第一天也到了尾声.. and that ends my first day in KK..

~ 待续.. to be continued..

Thursday, April 10, 2014


今天突然收到妈妈的一通电话.. 电话的另一头妈妈用担心的语气对我说妹妹的朋友因为压力而选择自己了解的生命.. 妈妈千叮万嘱我一定要看好妹妹.. 尤其是现在处于考试时期.. 压力是肯定会有的..

回到来后和妹妹聊了一下.. 她虽然伤心但庆幸这件事对她并没有什么影响.. 我觉得她还是很坚强的.. 也强调了自己若真的应付不来最多也是不读罢了.. 没必要放弃自己的生命.. 看来是妈妈多虑了..

看到东方日报上的新闻.. 找回之前在我妹妹毕业典礼时我拍的照片.. 我看到了那个男生.. 原来当时他也我拍的照片中.. 也算是和我有一面之缘.. 看着当时大家脸上的笑容.. 万万没想到五个月后的你竟然选择以这样的方式来结束自己的生命..

老实说我自己也有过轻生的念头.. 当时的压力真的很大.. 很多事情都不如自己想象中的那么好.. 甚至可以用坏来形容.. 但也庆幸当时的我也很理智.. 并没有将这个念头转为实际的行动.. 不然你也不会看到我继续在这里写部落..

生命没有第二次.. 你放弃的生命.. 往往是很多垂死的人想要的生命.. 伤害自己前.. 请想想身边爱你的人.. 生命.. 没了就是没了..

最后.. 想说在面子书上发表一些鄙视的言论的人.. 虽然这种行为确实不可鼓励.. 但你们的鄙视的言论对死者的父母和亲友来说是二度伤害.. 在发表这些言论前请把自己放在他人的角度看看.. 将心比心..


Friday, April 4, 2014


有时我在想.. 我这一生有多少个决定必须抉择呢? 从每天日常生活中的午餐要吃些什么.. 到事业上的某些决定.. 我这一天又做了多少决定?

近来不知为何.. 生活上突然多了好多好多的选择.. 而且还是那种一但决定了对我影响会很深的抉择.. 而此时的我.. 却"选择"了在选择中徘徊.. 迟迟都不肯爽快的做决定..

人就是那么的奇怪.. 我们常常在怨没有选择.. 被逼要接受这个接受那个.. 没有选择的余地.. 但此时的我正好相反.. 选择太多.. 反而不知该怎么做.. 很想衡量每个决定的利与弊.. 从中选择一个自己觉得肯定不会后悔的决定.. 但有可能吗? 呵呵..

犹柔寡段一直以来都是我的弱点.. 也是我长期以来都想克服的弱点.. 此时还真的希望自己没有选择.. 只能被逼接受.. 这样一来以后即使要怨.. 也不会怨自己为何当初做出这么蠢的决定..

想了想.. 有时候还真的怀念以前有个肯听我说话的人.. 帮我分析.. 和给我意见的那个人.. 最重要的是.. 她不会抱怨我的臭脾气.. 即使生气了也是想要撒撒娇.. 偶尔还会扮可爱逗我的她.. 但唯一让我感叹的是那时候的我并没有能力给她我最好的.. 毕竟经济主权不在自己的身上.. 很多事都要靠家里.. 与现在相比.. 真的觉得自己亏欠了她..

好啦.. 我知道自己写着写着离题了.. 但问题天天都多.. 所以又是时候不理问题睡觉了.. 希望到时一切都能迎刃而解.. 加油!

p.s. 相隔了那么久.. 我又突然想你了.. 就像五月天的那首"突然好想你".. 哈哈.. 猜你也睡了吧.. 那就晚安咯..
