Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Beautiful Kota Kinabalu - Day 2

Okay.. 拖了那么久以后.. 我终于决定继续写下我的亚庇之旅.. 所以现在就来到了第二天啦.. 第二天.. 星期天.. 表示着今天将会有一个星期一次著名的Gaya Street的早上市集.. 对我而言.. 这个Gaya Street市集就像是一个杂八郎的巴刹.. 在这里你可以看到各式各样的玩意儿.. 从吃的.. 喝的.. 玩的.. 纪念品.. 甚至宠物(猫猫狗狗)都可以在这里看到有人售卖.. 虽然我个人不是很喜欢在当街这样售卖宠物.. 但他们也是为生活而做.. 除此之外.. 还有这里还有各式各样来自中国和菲律宾的东西售卖.. 其中一样就是我上回在菲律宾看到的Belut.. 但我到现在还是不敢恭维.. 不知道Belut是神马? 去问Google老师.. 哈哈.. 

Okay.. after so long long long delay on my KK trip post.. here comes the post for the day 2.. hehe.. day 2, Sunday.. which mean the only day for the famous Gaya Street! The Gaya Street Market opened only on every Sunday.. which is located in Gaya Street.. omg.. what am I talking.. obviously.. haha.. for me.. it is like a morning market which selling varieties of foods, fruits, souvenir, pets, cloths and things from China and Philippines.. mentioned about Philippines foods, for sure the "famous" belut is sold here also.. despite this is the second time I encounter with this thing.. (the fist time is in Philippine) but I still don'e dare to give a try.. or more precisely, don't feel like try it at all.. haha.. Not sure about what belut is? Go and consult Mr Google.. lolx.. 

所以呢.. 一大清早8点我就起床了(其实8点在这里算蛮迟了的.. 因为这里的日出大概是在6点多.. 所以8点多时已经是很亮了的).. 梳洗一番后便往目的地出发.. 往早餐出发!! 哈哈.. 所以接下来就让照片代替文字说故事吧..

So waking up in early in the morning.. around 8am.. (8am is consider quite late in Sabah as their sunrise is at 6 something.. so it is freaking bright during 8 something in the morning), headed to Gaya Street for my breakfast hunting.. hehe.. so lets the photos tell the story..

建国纪念碑.. 就在Jalan Gaya前.. i guess the English translate should be Malaysia Monument? haha.. which is located just in front of Jalan Gaya..

让我蛮惊讶的是.. 这里摆档的多数都是友族.. 加上这条路叫Gaya街.. 顾名思义就应该是很多Gaya同胞吧.. 但入口处却是两个大大写着华文的牌匾.. 国泰民安.. 政通人和.. what surprise me is when I reached at the entrance of Gaya Street, these 2 plaque was hang here.. despite majority of the hawkers here are non-Chinese, and the name is Gaya Street so I should expect some Gaya Culture things? haha..

叮咚叮咚.. 这节奏就像之前我在沙捞越时听到的.. Ding dong ding dong.. this sounds almost the same with the one I heard in Sarawak.. haha..

市集的另一角落.. 就这样摆起了地摊.. another side of the market.. with the setup of the stall is just simply a few basket and newspaper beside the road..

进去其中一家咖啡店吃早餐.. 这里的食物并不便宜.. 一包kosong椰浆饭.. 一杯Milo kosong.. 和1 set烤面包就要价6令吉.. 大概是KL的价钱了.. 但这张照片要带出的是这里马来同胞并不避忌在华人咖啡店吃东西, 顺道一提.. 这里有卖包点.. 是有猪肉的.. 这情况就和我在沙捞越时看到的一样.. 这大概就是真正的1 Malaysia.. 不像在这里一个阿"la"字眼也可以引起很大的风波..
went into a traditional coffee shop for my dinner.. foods here is not really cheap as what I think earlier.. a pack of nasi lemak kosong, a cup of Milo Kosong and a set of roasted bread cost me around RM6.. the price here is almost the same with KL price.. which the local also doesn't really sure why this happened.. lolx.. but the things I wish to bring out from this photo is not about the price.. but it is about culture.. as you can see.. the Malay friends does not uncomfortable with having meal in Chinese shop.. furthermore the shop do sell Chinese Dim Sum which contain pork.. it is just exactly same with what I saw in Sarawak last time.. I guess this the really 1 Malaysia.. unlike in peninsular.. one "Ah La" word also can caused so many issues..

填饱肚子后就是继续往下一个目的地出发的时间了! 所以呢.. 就像前一天计划好了的那样.. 打了通电话给出租车服务.. 去了车.. 打了油.. 就是时候出发了!! 目的地 - Kundasang.. 由于在Facebook有check in在亚庇.. 出发前收到一个中学同学的FB信息.. 原来他和朋友也在亚庇.. 而且也将在今天前往Kundasang.. 一切真是巧合得不可思议.. 因为我们最少已经6年不见了.. 没想到下一次见面竟然是在离我们家乡超过3,000公里的亚庇.. 呵呵.. 于是和他确认了他们的位置后.. 便带着期待的心情出发啦! 由于他们是请司机载送至Kundasang所以在Kundasang并没有交通.. 这时我租的Viva就扮演着很重要的角色了..

After having my breakfast.. it is time to move on to my next destination.. Kundasang! so.. as planned the day before.. contact the car rental service, collect my rented car.. pump petrol.. and I am on my way to Kundasang!! so let me introduce my companion for the day.. Perodua Viva!! this is the my very first time driving in Sabah! haha.. while on my way when my secondary schoolmate contacted me via Facebook.. it appears that he is in Kundasang too!! what an coincident!!  we have not meet each other for at least 6 years already and now we are meeting again in approximately 3,000km away from our hometown.. haha.. so after confirm the location with him I am going to his place to pick them up, as they travelled there by van charter service.

这就是我当时的地图兼导游.. 哈哈.. so this is how I travel in Kota Kinabalu.. haha..

去Kundasang的路途还蛮弯曲的.. 比在半岛去金马伦的路还要的难驾.. 加上我驾着一辆自己都不是很熟悉的车.. 一路上又是雾蒙蒙的.. 还下起了毛毛雨.. 令我的旅途难上加难呀.. The road condition to Kundasang is more challenging than going Cameron Highland.. especially with a car I do not really familiar with.. what make the trip worse is the road is very foggy and it is drizzling on the way to Kundasang..

在大概2个小时后的车程后.. 我终于到达了Kundasang.. 和我朋友会合后.. 便讨论下一个目的地要去那里.. 讨论一番后决定去这里一个有名的农场.. Desa Cattle Farm.. 便继续往目的地出发.. 一路上我们终于见识到什么叫做小镇了.. 这个叫Kundasang的小镇.. 真的是小镇.. "市区"只有那两排店屋.. 唯一能看到的餐厅就是KFC.. KFC真的是无处不在呀.. 说到Kundasang.. Kundasang是神山山脚.. 所以登山客多数都是会在Kundasang集合过夜.. 隔天一大早前往Kinabalu Park开始登山.. 所以这里除了登山客之外真的没有什么东西特别值得来的地方.. 能想到只有这个Desa Cattle Farm了..

一路上又是弯曲的路.. 而且去Desa Cattle Farm的路是我驾过最斜的路.. 其中有一段路简直是大概45度倾斜.. 可怜了这辆Viva 1.0.. 哈哈.. 但很庆幸它做到了! 几经辛苦我们终于到达目的地了..

入口处.. the entrance..

云看起来好像触手可及.. 这里在大概海拔2,000米高.. 比金马伦还要高.. the clouds looks like reachable with bare hand.. here it is approximately 2,000 meter above the sea level.. even higher than Cameron Highland..

有没有来到纽西兰的feels?? 哈哈.. 空气真的很清新.. (但不要靠近牛群.. 不然清新空气会充满牛屎味) Do you felt like coming over to New Zealand?? hahaha.. the air is really fresh here.. but do not go near the cows.. otherwise your fresh air will be filled by shit smell.. hehe..

参观工厂后就到了填饱肚子的时候了.. 喝了当地生产的牛奶.. 加上不是很脆的wafer.. 就这样解决了我们的午餐 + 下午"奶".. after the factoring tour.. it is time to fill our stomach.. drink locally produced milk.. and wafer which not crispy at all.. here goes our lunch and "milk" time..

当天还蛮多人来这里的.. 看到Kancil了吗? 若Kancil都能上来.. Viva有什么借口上不来呢? 哈哈.. 但我还是建议若真的多人要来的话拿cc比较大比较有力的车.. 驾驶顺畅也比较安全的多.. quite a number of people here that day.. do you spot the Kancil? If Kancil could made it here.. what excuse could Viva give for not able to reach? haha.. but personally I would still recommend if you are in a gang it is better for you to rent a more powerful car with bigger cc.. for more comfort and safer drive..

工厂外观.. look of the factory..

大概下午4点多就开始起雾了.. 开始一片雾蒙蒙了.. it started to get foggy even it is just somewhere around 4pm..

离开前近距离看下牛大姐.. some close distance photos before we left.. 

做么你看起来那么犹豫? why you look so gloomy?

呃.. 你额头上的那是屎吗? =.= err.. is that shit on your forehead?

每一只在耳朵边都有标记.. there is tagging in the ear for every cow..

附上一张刚到达时拍的全景照.. a panorama once we reached..

天色也渐渐暗了.. 我们离开啦.. 由于因为朋友他们觉得现在住宿的位置并不是很理想.. 交通很不方便.. 想要从新安排从神山下来后的住宿.. 回程时便绕到Kinabalu Pine Resort那里询问价钱.. 顺便还拍了点照..

so it started to getting dark.. and we are think it is better for us to leave that place.. due to my friends think that the location for their current accommodation was not really ideal as it is located quite far from any mean of transportation, they decided to survey again for accommodation after their hiking.. so we visited Kinabalu Pine Resort to enquire about the price.. and shoot some photos also..

这里是Kundasang最好最贵的住宿了.. 据说早上时能看到神山.. this is the most expansive accommodation available in Kundasang.. heard from the staff the Mount KK is visible in the morning..

这过后就没有照片了.. 因为我差点就回不来了.. 好吧.. 我承认我也有错.. 因为我并没有察觉到那辆德士正来着.. 当时很大雾.. 那德士并没有开灯.. 而且还驾驶的非常的快.. 加上我们并不是很清楚旅馆的位置.. 难得看到后我看了一眼没有车便转弯进去旅馆.. 谁知道半路就杀出一辆飞得西北快的德士.. 谢天谢地在这千钧一发的时候我踩的是油门而不是刹车器.. 就这样有惊无险的进了旅馆.. 你可以想象到的.. 当时充满那辆德士紧急刹车和车笛声.. 真的是把我三魂七魄吓得只剩下一魂半魄了.. 当天我不敢再驾车了.. 哈哈..

there is no photos for the day after this.. as I am freaking scared by a rude taxi!! ok.. part of it is my fault also as I did not notice it's coming as it is very foggy and the taxi did not on the head lamp.. and it is driving god damn fast in a slope plus we were not familiar with the location of the inn!! We were almost bang by him from side as I made my turn into the junction.. and thanks god.. I press the accelerator so hard and we made into the turn before he reached us with an emergency break.. my brain was totally malfunction after that and dare not to drive anymore for that day..

所以呢.. 接下来的晚上都是聊天度过时间的.. 毕竟我们最少6年不见了.. 哈哈.. 从最近的生活.. 读书方面.. 和很多很多以前的在学校的记忆.. 我们几乎无所不谈.. 使到我突然很怀念以前读书的时光.. 哈哈.. 至于我们的晚餐呢.. 由于刚才回来的路途上我们并没有看到什么吃的地方.. 加上被那德士吓一下.. 杯面是最好的晚餐了.. 哈哈.. 对了.. 我有提到我今晚的住宿吗? 哈哈.. 是的.. 很厉害的我就这样在他们那里留宿了一晚.. 而且我朋友还特地加了一张地铺给他自己.. 把床位留了给我.. 而且并不要收我一分一毫.. 他们说因为若不是我.. 没有交通他们可能会一整天在这里发呆.. 所以住宿就让他们包吧.. 是感动的咯.. 呵呵.. 但其实若不是他们.. 在我到达这里发现这里是那么的"宁静"后我当天应该会回亚庇过夜吧.. 呵呵.. 真的是不可思议啊..

so me and my long lost friend has a long chit chat during the night.. as we have not met each other for at least 6 years! haha.. we talked about current life.. study.. and lots of stories happened during our secondary time.. made me miss my school life so damn much.. haha.. have maggie cup mee as dinner for the night.. as there is no other option and we do not see any restaurant open just now during on the way back.. plus i was freaked out by the taxi.. so.. Maggie cup mee is the best solution for the night. Do I mentioned about my accommodation for the night? haha.. yes i stayed with them.. and my friends actually purposely added another mattress for him and let the bed to me.. at no charge to me as they are grateful for me to bring them around Kundasang.. otherwise they will be bored whole day in the inn as they do not have any mean of transportation.. so touching and thankful.. but if it is not them.. I can almost guarantee that i will be back to Kota Kinabalu town on that day after i found out how "peaceful" is this small town.. haha.. sometimes things really happened unexpectedly..

在大约只有17度的夜晚里吃着泡杯面感觉真的还蛮不错的.. 又再聊了一下后便入睡了.. 毕竟明天他们要早起准备登山.. 冷冷的夜晚不禁让我想起了你.. 当时还真的被你吓到了.. 以为要送你下山去看医生.. 呵呵.. 就这样.. 我在沙巴的第二天也正式来到了尾声..

Have a great chatting session again during the night.. with hot cup mee.. it felt so great to have hot cup mee in such cold weather.. it is only 17 celcius degree during the night.. this remind me of you again.. you really freak me out that time.. i was thinking to whether do i need to send you down hill to consult doctor.. hehe.. and here goes my second day for my Sabah trip..

~待续.. 更多照片将上传在第三天.. to be continue in day 3.. more photos upcoming in day 3..

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